DON’T TOUCH MY BABY: Ricci Family Mafia Read online

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  “I just don’t know what to do,” I moaned, putting my head in my hands on the table. “I don’t think he wants anything to do with me. He made it pretty fucking clear he doesn’t want a relationship with me.”

  Janice shrugged. “Some guys come around when their little swimmers have done God’s work,” she said sarcastically. “You think he’d jump on the daddy train?”

  I laughed bitterly. “He is not father material,” I said. “His mansion is a glorified bachelor pad. I couldn’t see a kid crawling around there.”

  Janice shrugged. “So then he might give you some money,” she said. “You ever thought of that? I only have to work two days a week. Derrick’s parents take care of me.”

  I looked around her messy house. I don’t think taken care of is the right word for you, I thought. But I knew with Zane it would probably be different. His leather furniture had spoken of wealth, not to mention that incredible car he drove around. Maybe he would pay me once he found out I was pregnant. Maybe he’d want to be involved, maybe not. But maybe, just maybe, there was a chance I wouldn’t have to do this alone.

  “You’re not alone,” Janice said, as if reading my mind. “A hundred thousand women have all been there before, you know that. It ain’t just you, sweetheart. Men are scum.”

  I bit my lip. “I hated growing up without a father,” I said softly. “I always used to wish he was alive, especially when I fought with my mom.”

  Janice nodded. “Rose was a bear. Even Mom said so. And those two were thick as thieves.”


  The next day, I got ready for work. I didn’t know whether or not Ricardo would turn me away, but I really needed some extra cash. Those bills were due, and I’d made an appointment with a doctor for the end of next week. I wanted to get a blood test and make sure I was really, actually pregnant. If I wasn’t, I could let out a sigh of relief. But a doctor visit wasn’t going to be free, and I needed some cash.

  “You look better,” Ricardo said as soon as I got to work. I held my breath, waiting for him to ask if I was pregnant. But instead, he nodded. “Isabella, take out the trash before your shift.”

  I waited until he’d turned around before the disgust truly hit me. I gagged and covered it with a heavy cough. I could smell the garbage through the whole restaurant. I didn’t know how I was going to manage to drag the bag outside. But I didn’t want to piss Ricardo off any more than I already had. I knew I’d be eating crow for a couple of weeks in order to get my place back. And when I started showing, I just knew he was going to give me hell.

  Grabbing the heavy trash bags, I hefted them over my shoulder and held my breath. As soon as I shoved open the door, I saw there were two men in the alley. Gasping, I dropped the bags and slumped down low behind a dumpster. They were both wearing sharkskin suits and dark sunglasses and I had a bad feeling about both of them.

  “We gotta get him soon,” one of them said in a low voice. There was a pause and a click as he lit a cigarette. “We wasted too much time already.”

  “We got a deal in place,” the other one replied. “We got a deal to take down that asshole, Zane Ricci. He ain’t gonna know what hit him.”

  I gasped and stumbled backwards. Just then, one of the trash bags spilled over and some silverware clanked against the dumpster. I cried out in surprise and froze. The men were at my side in a second.

  “Hey, pretty lady,” one of them said. “Anyone ever tell you you’re not supposed to eavesdrop?”

  I squawked in protest as they stepped forward and grabbed my arms, dragging me away before I even had the chance to scream.

  Chapter 8


  I sat in my car for what felt like hours, staring at Terry and the half of the gold necklace in my hand. After I’d left the old man by himself, Terry had tried to con me into bringing her a drink.

  “What’s all this?” Terry twisted around in the chaise until her tan belly folded over itself in a display of taut, tan muscle. “You leavin’?”

  I grinned at her. Terry had been one of the hottest girls in school. She’d aged well, with high, firm breasts straining the front of her crocheted bikini. She suggestively traced a hand over her thigh when she caught me watching her, licking her plump lower lip and eyeing me over the tops of her designer sunglasses.

  “’Fraid so, honey,” I told with her a wink as I climbed in my car. “And quit burning Pop’s food. He thinks you’re trying to kill him.”

  Terry gaped. “Like hell I am,” she shot back in a thick Jersey accent. “That asshole can’t even see the goddamn plate most of the time!”

  “Hey, watch it,” I said sharply. “He may be an old asshole, but don’t talk about my father like that. You’re his goddamn girlfriend!”

  Terry pouted and looked at her ringless left hand. “Don’t remind me,” she said sourly. “I ain’t done waitin’ for that ring yet.”

  By the time he’s ready to give you a ring, he’s gonna be done with you, I thought, but didn’t say it. Terry was a sweet girl, but it was fuckin’ obvious: what would a knockout be doing with someone like my father? Thinking about them fucking was painful. I didn’t even think he could get it up without the help of some Viagra.

  “You’re gonna be waitin’ a long time,” I told Terry with a smirk as I climbed behind the wheel of my Porsche.

  She pouted and adjusted herself on the lounge, stretching out and fanning her breasts with her hand. My cock twitched in my pants but I gave up the thought before it really took hold; fucking my father’s girlfriend would be like suicide. I couldn’t do that unless I really wanted him to cut me out forever.

  But now that I was alone again, I pulled out the locket from Gianni and looked at it. No doubt about it, it was exactly the same as the one Isabella wore around her neck. It was two halves of a delicate heart that locked together on one side. I wondered what she’d do when I told her she was heir to a big fortune. Probably spit in my fuckin’ face, I thought with a smirk. Isabella had been hungry for sex and even hungrier for love. I almost felt bad about the way I’d kicked her out so ungracefully.

  Almost. But not quite.

  The front door of the house opened and I watched Lionel make his slow way outside, accompanied by a servant who looked just as old as he did. Terry squealed and got up from the lounge chair. She ran over to him and made a big show of throwing her arms around Lionel and kissing him on the cheek. I rolled my eyes as I watched the whole thing. When Lionel turned around, Terry looked over her shoulder and winked at me.

  Nauseated, I drove away. At first, I didn’t know where my car was headed. But after a few minutes alone, it became pretty fucking clear. I was heading to Maison Bridges, to hopefully catch Isabella and let her know that she was in some serious trouble. At the thought of seeing her again, my cock stirred in my jeans. She was so delicious, so sexy. I wondered if she’d be wearing something that showed off those fabulous curves. Damn, I’m horny.

  It had been a few weeks since I’d last gotten laid. The last couple of girls after Isabella really didn’t do it for me; they had both been a disappointment. One of them was a stripper named Alexis. I’d picked her up at a bar outside of town. On the way back to my place, she’d leaned over and given me head in the car. But once we got inside, I couldn’t stay hard. She was desperate to be fucked; the way she begged me was really something else. She even rolled over on her stomach and spread her legs and told me to fuck her up the ass — something I loved. But I couldn’t get hard, not even then. I kept thinking of Isabella and how explosive the sex had been. After that, Alexis had left in a huff.

  I had to get my mojo back. Maybe seeing Isabella again would jar me back into reality — she couldn’t possibly be as hot as I’d built her up to be in my mind. That just wasn’t possible. Real life didn’t work like that. But as I pulled into the restaurant’s parking lot, a flash of arousal hit me hard. And besides, she was going to have to come with me. If I was going to protect her, that actually meant watching her. I wondered if I�
��d be able to get through another day without fucking her again. I didn’t think it would be possible. Isabella was one hot number. And if she still felt any shred of attraction to me, I was willing to bet she’d be mine again.

  Maison Bridges was packed. I parked in the corner of the lot and swaggered inside. They were so busy that I was standing in the foyer for five minutes before a cute brunette girl walked up to me.

  “Hi, table for one?” She winked at me and I felt my cock stiffen.

  An image of myself and the brunette and Isabella, all naked and kissing, popped into my mind. Cool your fuckin’ jets, man, I told myself. You ain’t a fuckin’ kid anymore. Get your head back in the game. “Actually, I need to see one of your waitresses,” I said with a grin. “Isabella Bianchi. Is she around?”

  The girl frowned. “She’s in the back,” she replied. “You want me to get you a drink while you wait? We’re really busy tonight.”

  “This will only take a few minutes,” I lied. “I just need to talk to her.”

  The girl nodded. “I’m Tammy,” she said with a friendly smile. “Why don’t you wait at the bar.”

  I gritted my teeth. Getting rid of this broad wouldn’t be easy. “Fine,” I snapped. “Thanks.”

  As I walked into the bar, I almost expected to see Isabella zipping around with a tray of drinks. But there was someone else behind the bar — a pimply, gangly-looking kid. He raised his head to me in a cordial nod but then went back to helping someone else. I rolled my eyes. If I wanted Isabella, I was going to have to go find her myself.

  I flipped my collar up and strode through the restaurant. Even though I loved being flashy, I knew how to get through a room without attracting too much attention. It was a perk of being in the family business; we all knew how to slide under the radar when we had to. Sure enough, I made it to the back of the kitchen before anyone called my name. But by then, it was too late. I saw a flash of Isabella’s blonde hair move towards what looked like the exit doors. I licked my lips. Her ass was clad in tight jeans and she was leaning over, showing off those perfect curves.

  I didn’t even know what I was going to tell her, but I knew I had to get her alone. I waited a couple of seconds by the door before pushing it open and walking into the alley. Isabella was crouched by a dumpster, apparently deep in thought. Just as I was about to ask her what was happening, she jumped and spilled one of the trash bags on the floor. Two men stepped out of the shadows and reached for her slim figure, grabbing her by the arm before she could even resist. One of them muttered something under his breath.

  Before I even knew what I was doing, I walked forward and grabbed one of the guy’s other arms.

  “Leave her the fuck alone,” I hissed under my breath. “You want me to come after you?”

  The guy turned to me with a smirk on his face. Before he could say anything, I made my free hand into a fist, swung back, and then unleashed it on his face. He staggered back with the force of the punch. The other guy came towards me and I knocked him down with an easy punch. Just as I was about to step forward and kick the first one in the ribs, he stood up and backed away.

  “Easy, easy,” the second guy said. “We’re just gonna be leaving now.”

  Isabella had fallen to the ground. I was torn between making sure she was okay and going after those scumbags. In the moment it had taken me to decide, the other guy had climbed to his feet and they had both started to run. I heard the sound of their feet slapping the pavement grow fainter with every passing second.

  Isabella looked up at me with a dazed expression on her pretty face. She was still as hot as ever, even though she looked more tired than she had when I’d first met her.

  “Are you okay?” I helped her to her feet.

  Isabella looked over herself and then nodded. “I’m fine,” she said softly. “Just shaken up. How did you know to come here? Why did you save me?”

  Her blue eyes focused on mine and I was hit with a sharp bolt of lust. The way she was staring at me, with her hair mussed, her lips parted, and her breath coming in damp bursts…it was like we’d just fucked. I let my eyes run down her body and linger on her curves. Her perfect tits seemed even bigger than they had before, and I couldn’t wait to see her without a shirt on again. I wondered if she’d scream my name; I wondered if she’d ride my face until my tongue was numb from pleasing her.

  “Don’t talk right now,” I advised. “You’d better come with me, Isabella.”

  Chapter 9


  I was barely conscious of anything except for Zane’s light touch on my arm as he led me to his car. I had no idea where he’d come from, or how he’d known I needed saving. After all, he’d basically come from nowhere. I was dazed as he buckled me in the passenger seat and then closed the door.

  Once we were on the road, I looked at him. “Where are we going?”

  Zane shook his head. “You’ll find out in a little bit,” he said shortly. There was something different about him, something that felt more serious. Our playful banter from that fateful night eight weeks ago wasn’t coming.

  I looked out the window and closed my eyes. Riding in the car, even a car as smooth as Zane’s Porsche, made me nauseous. I knew I should tell him about the baby, but I didn’t even know how to start the conversation. And he wasn’t exactly welcoming towards conversation. Every time I tried to say something, he’d tell me to be quiet. Not exactly in a rude way, but in a way that told me he was the boss.

  I swallowed as Zane pulled into his driveway. As he led me inside, he threw a more critical glance in my direction.

  “You don’t look well, Isabella,” Zane said. He rubbed his hands together and then went towards the chrome fridge, pulling out a bottle of water and handing it over. “Here, drink this.”

  I toyed with the plastic cap, not wanting to tell him that if I got any more nauseous, I was going to puke right then and there. I don’t know where all the lies came from about pregnancy being a fun house; I already couldn’t wait for this to be over. It seemed like a parasite was growing inside of me, sucking all my energy and making me feel like shit. And not just any parasite, but the parasite of the gorgeous man standing in front of me.

  In contrast to me, Zane looked better than ever. He was wearing a woven shirt with a faint sheen, like the inside of an oyster shell. His tie was expensive navy blue silk and I could tell his trousers were tailored just by looking at him. But there was something inside of him that seemed uneasy, like he wasn’t sure what he was doing in the middle of his own kitchen. I realized I barely knew anything about him. What he did for work, what he did for play…all of that was a mystery. Whatever he does, it must be nice, I thought. After all, look at how much money he put into this place.

  With him staring at me, I took a small sip of water. He stepped closer and I felt my heart race in my chest. He was so incredibly good-looking that I didn’t know how I could stand it. His dark hair was brushed perfectly back from his forehead and his dark intense eyes focused on me. I shivered with lust.

  “Come here,” Zane said in a low voice.

  Obediently, I stepped forward. I couldn’t make my brain obey my body; my body wanted Zane again more than ever, and my brain wanted me to run away and leave his house forever. But my body won, and in a second I was wrapped in Zane’s arms. He lifted my chin up and then pressed his soft lips against mine. A spicy, musky, expensive cologne wrapped me in a perfumed fog and I closed my eyes as Zane slipped his tongue into my mouth. The reaction in my body was immediate; every cell felt like it was on fire. I wriggled in his arms as the kiss deepened and I felt Zane’s hands sliding down my back and squeezing my ass.

  Being pregnant had made me hornier than ever and I was soaking wet by the time Zane slipped his fingers under my shirt and tugged it over my head. I let out a grateful sigh of relief — my breasts had been aching — and I shivered as he snapped my bra clasp with a careful and practiced pinch. When my breasts swung free, Zane caught them in his hands. I shuddered with
lust as he lowered his head to my chest and blew on my nipples, making them stand erect. A low, liquid moan escaped my lips as Zane opened his mouth and took one of my nipples in his mouth, sucking and licking until I was going crazy and little cries of pleasure were coming out of me. I sounded like a wild animal in heat, like someone who had never had an orgasm before. But it felt amazing, and I wanted to surrender all of my anxieties and worries to the immense pleasure that was now flooding my body.

  “Come upstairs with me,” Zane said.

  He took me by the hand and led me up the marble stairs. My heels clicked on each step but I wasn’t even looking down. Zane was the only thing in my field of view, the only thing I really cared about. He opened the door of his bedroom and led me inside. As he shoved me down on the bed, I unsnapped my jeans and wriggled out of them.


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