The Devil’s Blaze_A Motorcycle Club Romance_Fury Riders MC Page 10
“Your mother told me you were expecting. Congratulations.” He gave a wary smile that didn’t quite touch his eyes. He knew she wasn’t married, knew she was single. “I assume your boyfriend, the man who showed up at my office last week, is the father?” A pointed question.
“Yes. Lucas. He shouldn’t have walked in like that. I’m sorry if he disturbed the office.” She tensed under his gaze. She didn’t think he was attempting to be so bold, so judgmental, but she was definitely getting that vibe from him.
“It’s fine. He was just trying to take care of your mother. I understand that.” He tried to wave away the topic. “I assume future payments will also be in cash?”
Josephine’s eyes snapped up to meet his. The accusation wasn’t even hidden; the man was full on making his feelings about Lucas known. The money was dirty.
“I can write a check if that’s preferred.” She readjusted her strap on her shoulder.
“It’s up to you.” He shrugged, then looked at the door to her mother’s room. “Whatever is easier for you and your, uh, boyfriend. Is your mother asleep?”
“No, she’s awake. I was just headed to work.” She bit down on her cheek to keep from saying something that would cause the situation to become more awkward and give him even more reason to judge her.
“Good. I’m just making my rounds. I’ll see you tomorrow. I think we can discharge your mother within a few days, until we are ready for the procedure. You may want to seek some home care, however, as she’ll need assistance around the clock. Someone to be with her while you’re working would be best.”
“Of course. I’ll look into it right away.” Josephine nodded. “Thank you, Dr. Leopold.” She said the words with all sincerity. He was proving to be an asshole, but the ass could help her mother, so she’d put up with him. “Really. For everything.”
He raised one eyebrow and gave a curt nod. “It’s what I do.” He gave a half smile and headed into her mother’s room. Josephine wanted to kick him in his ass to hurry him along but instead shook her head, took a deep breath, and tried to put him out of her mind.
What the hell did he know about anything, anyway? Lucas wasn’t some lowlife scum just because he wore a leather MC kutte, rode a motorcycle, and had longer hair than most men she’d ever dated. He had no right to judge.
Then again, neither did she.
# # #
Church took place every Tuesday evening at the clubhouse. Attendance was mandatory for the immediate board members, the president, the VP, and all the captains. Everyone else was encouraged to attend but, understandably, not all could. Some members had night shifts or third shifts or families or something else that kept them from sitting in with the rest of the club. No one was ever given shit for not coming. Family came first, even if it meant missing a meeting to attend a soccer game. The same men who would skip a meeting for their kids would also miss their kids’ games if something important needed to be done for the club. It was a balancing act for those members with families. Women who married into the club knew what they were getting into. The club sometimes stepped in front of family for a time.
Lucas sat at the round table with his brothers and thought on that for a moment. Would Josephine be able to deal with that? Would she throw a hissy fit the first time he told her he’d be gone for a few days on club business? Though he couldn’t really see her throwing a hissy fit over anything, he wasn’t sure exactly how she’d respond if the situation arose.
He already knew she wasn’t like the other girls in the club or the wives of his brothers. She had her own thing going, her own job, her own life. He didn’t like her apparent lack of a social life, but she didn’t seem to care about it. Some of the members didn’t like their women working. They wanted them home, cooking and cleaning, right where they knew they’d be. Lucas saw the appeal in that, but he didn’t think for one second Josephine would let him dictate her time. Although with the baby coming, they should talk about that.
As captain, he brought home enough cash to support them both and the baby. Plus, his work in the garage gave him a legitimate income, so there was no need for her to work. He’d have to bring up the subject carefully, not bombard her with the idea. Maybe he could let it be her idea to stay home. He had to shake his head. Playing games wasn’t his style. An open conversation was what would happen, and if she didn’t want to stay home, if she really wanted to keep working, they’d make it work.
“Now that everyone’s settled, let’s get this started.” Joe pounded the gavel on the table, sending a hush over the room. “We’ve known that the fucking Iron Rebels crew was moving into our territory, bringing hard drugs and shit with them. They keep it up for much longer and we’re going to be feeling the heat from the sheriff’s department. We can only donate so many baseball fields to keep them on our good side. If that white powder starts showing up in classrooms, they’ll start cracking down everywhere. The docs over at Medi-Clinic on Main Street want to double their order. I talked with the farmer last night and he’s good with the quantity, ready to ship. Cutter and Match are going to make the run next week for the pickup and delivery. I also want to send three more guys with them. I don’t trust those fucking Iron Rebels pricks to stay the hell out of our business. Especially since they got the jump on Lucas the other day.”
Lucas looked around the table at the faces of his brothers. Everyone was intent on listening to their president.
“That fucker who jumped me nearly pissed his pants when he saw my tag.” He pointed to his title displayed on his kutte. “That makes me think he was low level, either prospect or just got patched. Not sure what their beef was, and I don’t give a fuck either.”
Several nods went around the table.
“They want our business, is my guess. Why not add the medical marijuana to their menu of drugs?” Joe’s chair creaked as he leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest, giving a pointed look at everyone at the table. “So, from now on, we double the men on our runs. I’ll try to get a sit down with Mr. Prez, Parker. If we can keep this shit from spilling blood, I’d rather go that route, but I’m sure as fuck not giving up our turf or our dealings with the clinics. This stuff brings in healthy cash for the club, but we know it’s good, and we know it’s going to people that need it.”
More grunts of approval went up in the room.
“Lucas.” Cutter spoke up. “Your girl’s mom. How’s she doing?” The club had helped pay for the medical treatments. They had every right to know how the money was being spent.
“No change, not really. I guess the chemo and radiation have shrunk the tumor enough for her to have the surgery. She’s going through a bunch of tests first, then they’ll set a date. Probably within the next few weeks.”
“And your girl…she gonna be your old lady soon?” The implication was there, not well hidden. Taking money from the club for family expenses such as medical bills was encouraged. Doing so for a piece of ass a member was currently fucking wasn’t looked upon with such grace.
“Soon enough. She’s carrying my kid. Isn’t that enough for now?” Lucas turned his stare on Cutter across the table.
Cutter put his hands up in the air and shrugged. “For me, yeah. But from what I see, this procedure and all the bills…this is going to add up to a shit ton of money.”
“You saying I have to get a ring on her finger?”
“No. He’s not saying that. No one’s saying that. We don’t force brothers into marriage. Fuck, if you never marry her, that’s fine, but we need to at least meet this girl, don’t you think?” Joe leaned over the table. “That is, if she’s real. I mean, your story is a little…” He started laughing before he could finish, Cutter right along with him.
“You fuckers!” Lucas cracked his own grin. “You think I made this shit up?”
“That some hot number walks up to you in the hospital and asks you to get her knocked up?” Cutter nodded. “You bet your sweet ass I do.”
Lucas waved a hand through the air. “
Fine. I’ll bring her around tomorrow night. Time she met you assholes anyway.”
“Cherry’s not going to like that.” Cutter shook his head. “I’ll have to find some way to console the poor girl.”
“Okay, okay! That’s enough of the pussy shit. Let’s close this meeting up. Next week, we’ll do numbers, so everyone bring your fucking thinking hats.” The gavel hitting the table marked the end of the meeting. Chairs were folded and put back on the rack along the walls and non-board members headed out to the lounge to have drink or two.
Joe called out to Lucas, who was starting to head out the door. “She really pregnant with your kid? I mean, you’re sure it’s yours?”
“I know it is.” Lucas tapped his chest. “I know it.”
Joe nodded. “Okay, then. Of course, anything she or her mom needs…but she needs to surface around here. Not just to appease your brothers, but so she knows what she’s getting into. It’s not fair to drag her into this life without knowing what it is. She needs to see it, to feel it.” Joe spoke from experience, Lucas knew that. He’d lost a woman, a girl he dated before his wife. He’d been crazy about her, wanted to give her the moon, but he’d kept her from the club, sheltered her as best he could. Once she finally started to see what his life really was about, she couldn’t stomach it. Even after seeing the good the club did, she could only see the bad, or what she considered bad. She left Joe, not even willing to listen or make it work. Just stuck her nose up in the air and walked away.
Josephine wasn’t like that. She wouldn’t do that. But Joe was right—it was only fair to let her see what his life really was like, what her life was really going to be like.
Because he wasn’t letting her go.
No matter what.
Chapter 9
Morning sickness couldn’t account for the butterflies wreaking havoc in Josephine’s stomach. No, it had everything to do with being dragged to Lucas’s clubhouse for the night. The several weeks they’d been together, she managed to keep from having to go there. Lucas had been patient, but now he wasn’t asking anymore. He was ordering her to go with him.
When he first explained how traditional he was in relationships, she’d internally scoffed at him. She didn’t need him telling her what to do, and there was no way in hell she was going to give up her independence, even for him. But over the past weeks, he’d shown nothing but caring and compassion when it came to her. Mostly he was protective of her, making sure she got enough rest, ate enough, and made her doctor appointments. He hadn’t been pushy or overbearing at all, until he asked for the fifth time that she accompany him to the clubhouse for the evening. When she tried to come up with another excuse, he’d shaken his head at her. “You’re coming with me, no more excuses, babe. It’s where my life is, and you’ll have to come to terms with it sooner or later.” When he’d asked her what she was afraid of, she couldn’t readily admit there was anything like fear keeping her back.
Except there was. Fear she wouldn’t measure up to the other women there. Fear that she was getting involved with a life that didn’t have room for girls like her. But she couldn’t vocalize any of that, not yet. Because that would mean admitting she feared losing what she and Lucas had started to build. After a long shift at work, she felt revitalized the second his lips touched hers. Her body woke up the moment she laid eyes on him. She didn’t want to lose that, not yet.
“Everything’s going to be fine.” Lucas reached over and squeezed her hand. He didn’t take her on his bike anymore, stating he didn’t think it was safe enough with her being pregnant. She had tried to point out it was no less safe than before she was pregnant, but he’d given her a hard look and said no. They’d be taking his truck until the baby was born.
“I know.” She didn’t look at him, though. Her nerves were too rattled.
“They’re just people, Josephine.” His voice dipped.
“I’m not nervous that I won’t like them,” she clarified, finally looking over at him.
He kept one hand on the steering wheel and the other grasped hers in her lap. His hair was bound in a rubber band at the base of his neck, giving him a sterner look than usual. His chiseled features only seemed more intense in the low light of the evening. “What? You think they won’t like you?” He gave her a grin that was probably meant to calm her but only reminded her of how handsome he was. Any of the girls in his club would want him. Why should he be with someone outside that life? “Babe, that’s not possible. And, if anyone so much as looks at you cockeyed, they’ll deal with me.”
“You can’t go around punching people because they don’t like me,” she admonished.
“Who said punch? I said I’d deal with it.” His casual shrug did little to ease her nerves.
“What do you do exactly, as the captain?” She hadn’t asked him before because she wasn’t sure she wanted to know exactly.
“Well, we have a few captains. Each in charge of a particular thing. I handle meet-ups. When we have club business that needs to be discussed outside the organizations, I set up the meetings, handle the location of the meetings, that sort of thing.”
“So, you’re the club liaison?” That didn’t seem so bad.
He laughed. “Yeah, something like that. Only I’m not getting no tea cakes ready or bullshit like that.”
“You make sure it’s a safe venue and that both parties agree to the terms of the meetings?”
“Yeah, like that.” He gave a noncommittal grin.
She decided she knew enough about his club job and changed the subject to something he could be more open about and she’d be more perceptive to listening to. “And the garage. You work in the garage.”
“Yeah. We just started taking on work that isn’t bike related, like a real mechanic shop. That’s why I’ve been so busy this past week. Some guy came in with his 2013 Camaro Limited Edition and wants a full rebuild of his engine and some bodywork. Normally I wouldn’t touch it; limited editions aren’t a joke. But he was adamant, and he waved more cash at me than I could say no to.”
“Hmph, you like working with your hands.” She smiled at him over the expanse of the truck cab.
He laughed, gave her hand another squeeze, and then let her go. “Something like that.” He turned the truck into a driveway and drove them through a gate into what looked like a small compound.
She looked around at several buildings surrounding them and the people standing around in front of them. Not much different than when she’d driven past during her normal drive through town, but something was off; something felt different. Maybe because she was inside the compound? Because she was sitting in one of their captains’ truck, carrying his baby?
Her heart beat faster, and she needed to take several deep breaths.
“Hey. Hey.” He threw the truck into park and grabbed her, sliding her over to him and onto his lap. Between his size and the steering wheel, there wasn’t much room, but he made it work. “It’s okay. C’mon, relax.”
“I’m fine.” She tried to shove away, but he’d already captured her face with his hands and pulled her toward him. His lips crashed down on hers, taking away all coherent thought or worry. The only thing in the world happening at that exact moment was his kiss. She melted into him, feeling his warm hands on her face, his body pressed up against hers. The world could spin off its axis at that moment, and she wouldn’t even look up to see it happen.
When he pulled away, he grinned. “Now you’re better.” He pinched her hip and opened his door. Keeping her in his arms, he slid out of the truck and deposited her on her feet right in front of him. She quickly went about straightening out her dress. The little bump that was her belly was easily hidden with the light summer dress she’d put on for the night. Nothing too conservative but hid enough that Lucas stopped glaring at her when she came out of the bedroom. The man loved her tits—loved kissing them, sucking them, and pinching them, but did not like sharing them. Even when it was just the view he was sharing.
He tucked the
keys into his jean pockets and checked for his cell phone before shutting the door. “God, you’re beautiful tonight.” He pulled her in for another kiss before linking their hands together and pulling her toward the largest building, where music was pouring out the front door, along with half a dozen women standing on the front porch smoking.
“Hey there, Lucas.” A few of the girls eyed Josephine as she was pulled past them. Lucas gave them polite nods but didn’t stop to introduce her.
Whatever she expected when she walked into the clubhouse, it was not what she saw. The lounge was set up in the same fashion as any other bar she’d been in. The center of the room was taken up by the bar itself—four counters full of people standing or sitting, waiting for their drinks. Bottles of liquor, top shelf stuff, all lined the shelves in the middle of the bar. Music played overhead, and couples were even dancing. Off in the back corner, a group of people played pool while others threw darts. She couldn’t even say the women were dressed any skimpier or sexier than the regular bars she’d been in.